Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Making the Case for Breastfeeding


Whenever I'm in the drugstore buying wipes, I glance over at the various bottles and tubs of formula available on the shelf. It's a study of our culture. Now, don't get me wrong, I'm not one of those people who thinks formula should be banned in all forms. However, I am one of those people who thinks we're living in a backwards culture. That thought briefly crossed my mind when I went to grab some wipes off the shelf, found next to the formula. I took pause to look at the ingredients of the particular package of wipes I'd been buying, and decided it was time to try something new (who needs parabens next to their babies bum, anyway?). I found the package of "Pampers" wipes to have more suitable and gentle ingredients, and off I went.
After I'd paid at the register, the cashier handed me a coupon, along with my receipt. "Oh," she said, "you get $5 off Enfamil formula!" I didn't really want to get into anything, so I just said, "cool."
As I turned to leave, she stopped me and said, "let me check the expiration date on that so you'll be sure to use it in time."
At this point, I couldn't keep up the charade any longer and said, "oh, that's okay. I don't use formula."
She looked at me like I had two heads (and I particularly like this cashier - she's been there for a while).
To avoid any more awkwardness, I suggested I leave the coupon there on the counter for someone who might need it. She agreed, and off I went.
I think I handled the situation well, but I couldn't help wishing I'd said, "oh, that's okay. I don't use formula - that's what my boobs are for!"
This whole episode was like a very interesting study of our culture. I wasn't buying anything even remotely related to formula (both things are for babies, granted), and I was given a promotion for formula. At no time have I ever indicated interest in formula, yet I have a can in my pantry that was sent to me because somehow they found out I had a baby.
Breastfeeding rates in our culture are incredibly dismal. It's no wonder - it's like we're all swimming against the current.
Some people in our culture even go as far as to believe that breastfeeding is "gross."
To that, I just have to laugh.
Breastfeeding is a beautiful thing. And yes, it is why I have "boobs."
Formula cannot even begin to compare to breast milk. Breast milk changes and perfectly adapts itself to the baby's needs. It changes its composition according the age of the child. It changes its amount according to the baby's needs - a true and perfect case of supply and demand.
It has amazing powers of protection, and scientists are still exploring its perfect composition.
It's a huge money-saver. It's always the perfect temperature and flavor and is perfectly sterile.
"But what," people say, "about mothers who don't make enough milk/have to go back to work/don't want to give up their freedom?"
All of those things can be corrected by making changes in our society. It is extremely rare that a mother not have the ability to produce enough milk. It is, unfortunately, very common for doctors, family members, and friends to offer formula for a variety of reasons. It's very common for a mother to have never seen another mother breastfeed.
These days, many mothers do have to go back to work, making it extremely difficult to breastfeed. Unfortunately (and despite laws to the contrary), workplaces do not have the proper supports in place. That will come, in time, as breastfeeding becomes "normal" in our society again, and as people push for change. It IS possible to breastfeed and work full time.
As for giving up freedom - that's what happens when you have a child. It's not that you're not free, it's just that things change and sacrifices are made. Breastfeeding has given me freedom - freedom to feel extremely close to my child and have a relationship with my child that no one else can have. A propped bottle and powdered cow's milk (meant for another species) is such a sad, common picture.
This isn't about making moms feel bad for their choices, but it is about moms being given the right information to help them choose. We're so misinformed and blinded by formula marketing that what people think is their freedom of choice is very far from it. Breast milk is best, and not just because moms who try to guilt you into it think so - it's one of the most beautiful gifts mothers are given in this world - the ability to feed their baby perfect, immune boosting, smarts-building, food, absolutely freely and perfectly.
Oh yeah, breastfeeding also helps moms lose the baby weight for doing nothing more than sticking baby to breast - how much would we normally pay for something to suck our calories away? So overlooked, and yet, oh-so, wonderful.
I have amazing hopes that I will see a turnaround in our culture, very soon. It's so normal, natural, and right that it's simply got to happen.

Breastfeeding is an incredible gift for mother and baby. Discover how to make it workable in your busy life by visiting Whether you'll need to use a breast pump or you're desperate for solutions, there is a way for you to nurse your precious bundle.

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