Saturday, December 31, 2011

Osteoporosis Definition, Causes, and Symptoms


Osteoporosis is the most important type of bone diseases. This disease is age related and it's identified by the lack of bone mass and can lead to bone fracture. According to research, about 1 out of 5 American women over the age of 50 years have osteoporosis. Bones that are often broken are the hip, spine and wrist. Also about 3 million people from the United kingdom have osteoporosis, which causes 230,000 fractures each year. Osteoporosis develops when the body fails to form new bone and when large amount of old bone re-absorbed by the body.
So what is the bone?
Bone is living tissue made up of protein (collagen) and calcium. Collagen is a protein that gives a soft structure to bone. And calcium and phosphate which give the bone strength and stiffness.
The calcium and phosphate form the most important elements needed for the normal growth of bone as the body uses these components to form bone. If you do not get adequate amounts of calcium or if your body does not absorb adequate amounts of calcium this will affect the formation and growth of your bone.
This magic combination between calcium and phosphate makes bones stronger and more flexible. About 99% of calcium found in bones and teeth and the remaining 1% are found in blood.
In childhood anabolism overcomes the catabolism so we find that the new bone is added fast compared to the removal of old bone.
For women there is fastest removal of bone after menopause and continue for postmenopausal stage.
Osteoporosis affects women more than men
Causes of and risk factors of osteoporosis:
1. Lack of exercise.
2. Decrease calcium in diet.
3. Chemotherapy.
4. Alcoholism.
5. Low body weight (thin body).
6. Family history of osteoporosis.
7. Racial factors (Asian race).
8. Gender factors (Female gender).
9. Heavy cigarette smoking.
10. Poor diet.
11. Low sex hormones estrogen in women and testosterone in men.
12. Being confined to a bed (immobility).
13. Amenorrhea (Absence of menstrual periods).
14. Hyper (thyroidism and parathyroidism).
15. Deficiency of Vitamin D.
16. Rheumatoid Arthritis (inflammation).
17. Gastric carcinoma.
Symptoms of Osteoporosis:
Osteoporosis has no symptoms in the early stages and the following are some symptoms that appear later:
1. Severe bone pain.
2. Loss of height (curving of Spine).
3. Fractures with little trauma (As a result of falling).
4. Neck pain as a result of fractures of the spinal bones.
5. Dowager 's hump (Stooped posture or kyphosis).

Hassan has been writing articles for long time. Come visit his latest website over at vitamins for hair growth which helps people find the best Vitamins For Hair Growth and information they are looking for when choose Vitamins For Hair Growth.

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9 Guidelines For First Aiders To Prevent The Risk Of Exposing To Blood Borne Pathogens


Guidelines For First Aiders To Avoid Exposure To Blood Borne Pathogen
As a first aider, you need to apply direct hand pressure to stop bleeding in injuries of the victim. However, this may lead to get the victim's blood on your skin. If the victim has some form of blood borne disease, you are more likely to get infected with that microorganism. The likelihood of getting infection is more, if you have open wounds in your hand. In order to protect yourself against the risk of infectious diseases, you need to follow some precautions.
1. You should treat all blood, as if it is infected with blood borne pathogens. You should not use uncovered hands to stop bleeding in injuries. You should always use a pair of gloves. Disposable gloves are recommended while giving care to victims. This is especially important, if there is a risk of exposing to blood or bodily fluids. Ensure that the gloves are made of appropriate material like vinyl or latex.
2. You should wash the exposed skin areas with soap and warm water after treating the victim without delay. Ensure that you clean your hands thoroughly for at least 15 seconds.
3. You should not reuse disposable gloves. You should discard them after use in a proper container or bag.
4. If you have any cut, sores or scrapes, you should cover them before wearing gloves or any other protective equipment.
5. You should dispose used first aid bandages and other materials used in cleaning up spills, contaminated clothing and protective equipment carefully. If possible, you can use diluted bleach to clean the spill area.
6. Drinking, smoking or handling contact lenses in the place of accident should be strictly avoided. Applying cosmetics should also be avoided.
7. You should not wear the contaminated clothes outside the area of incident without washing and decontaminating them.
8. If your skin, eyes, ears or mouth comes in contact with blood or bodily fluids, you should wash these areas with soap and water thoroughly. Mucous membranes should be flushed with water to reduce the risk of infection.
9. If exposure to human blood or bodily fluid occurs, you should report it immediately to the organization you belong to. The organization will take steps to test your for HIV or hepatitis B virus. If you do not belong to any organization, you need to contact your personal physician. Tests will be taken at 6 weeks, 12 weeks and 6 months intervals to determine whether any infection has occurred.
First aiders should protect themselves first before giving care to the victims. You can control the risk of exposure to diseases by wearing protective equipment and following some simple procedures.
Receiving blood borne pathogen and HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability And Accountability Act) training can help you get an understand of the precautions, exposure controls and HIPAA privacy rule. You can also get an awareness of implementing HIPAA rules.
For more information, please visit our Bloodborne Pathogen Training website.

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Friday, December 30, 2011

Keep Your Heart Healthy - Apply These Cholesterol Lowering Recipe Tips


Cholesterol Lowering Recipes are readily available and easy to follow if you need to lower your cholesterol levels. They can often provide a tasty alternative to fatty foods.
You simply need to appreciate which food types are lower in cholesterol and what cooking methods you can follow to keep food healthy.
There are many ways of cooking, baking and preparing food which will help you to lower your intake of dietary cholesterol. You can control your cholesterol levels through your diet.
The body itself is said to produce enough cholesterol naturally to help maintain a healthy body. Additional cholesterol enters the body through your diet. You need to control what you eat in order to avoid suffering high levels of cholesterol. It is highly publicised that high levels can lead to the narrowing and blocking of the arteries which will in turn lead to heart disease.
Recommended Daily Cholesterol Consumption
You should aim to consume only 200 to 400 mg of cholesterol per day depending upon your current cholesterol levels. Obviously those suffering from high levels, should aim to consume a low or cholesterol free diet. This can be achieved by following cholesterol lowering recipes.
Cholesterol Lowering Tips
It is recommended that any serving of meat should be kept to approximately 70 mg, which is roughly the same size as a standard deck of cards.
All animal based produce contain cholesterol. Plant based foods do not.
The saturated fat content of meats can be reduced depending upon how the meat is prepared and cooked.
If consuming chicken or turkey, you should remove the skin.
Red meats are high in cholesterol but if you really fancy a sunday roast, then choose beef sirloin or loin. You should trim off all visible fat from the meat.
If you are partial to lamb, then choose the leg, arm or loin. Aim to eat lean meats.
Chicken and Turkey are far healthier options than say duck and red meats. However, always remove the skin. Other methods can be used to keep the meat moist, such as using wine.
Avoid browning your potatoes in the fat dripping off the meat. Instead, use vegetable oils.
Processed foods really need to be avoided as sausages, hot dogs and similar foods are very high in cholesterol.
When cooking foods, aim to grill the foods on a rack to allow the fats to drain away. Avoid frying foods at all costs.
Vegetables contain no cholesterol and are very filling. Steam vegetables for the healthiest method of cooking these. Fresh Tuna is a very healthy option and is very high in omega 3 fats which are essential for the body.
It is possible to freeze and chill some cooked food dishes which will allow you to remove the hardened and congealed fat before consumption.
Egg yolks are considered to contain high levels of cholesterol. These need to be substituted if cooking and baking. Use only vegetable based oils and margarine.
There are many cholesterol lowering recipes which are still very tasty and enjoyable and will help you to lead a healthy lifestyle. These are widely available.
Cholesterol is responsible for the majority of fatal heart disease.
There are simple and effective ways of preventing this.
Take the first step to discover the secrets of living a long and healthy life. Visit
Remember prevention is much better and easier than cure.

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It's a Cover Up


hese days, having a 'healthy tan' is much admired and favoured over pale skin. In the past it was associated with the rich, who could afford foreign travel to exotic locations but later tanning salons and artificial tans followed so anyone could achieve the bronzed look. It seems strange that this is the fashion these days, as for hundreds of years women have been covering up their natural skin colour in favour of lighter skin which was greatly admired.
In Europe, the colour of your skin was once a statement of affluence and if you had pale skin, it meant you did not have to work for your living. Tanned skin was associated with the poor who usually worked outdoors, so having pale skin meant you were wealthy and upper class. Ladies, who went outside, would always be seen carrying a parasol and wearing hats and high necked dresses to keep their white complexions and avoiding the much disliked freckles. Some women even put lead-based creams on their skin in an attempt to whiten their skin tone, as well as arsenic and powders. One can imagine the side effects that these poisonous potions brought about! Women also felt that having dead-white skin made them appear more dainty and fragile.
During Elizabethan times, a mixture of ceruse was used to achieve the alabaster complexion, this contained white lead and vinegar which was mixed to a paste and applied thickly. It was said that some women even went to such extreme measures as to bleed themselves to obtain a paler complexion! Queen Elizabeth I wore very heavy white makeup, not only to keep up with the fashion of the times, but to also disguise and 'fill in the holes' left by the smallpox illness. Totally unblemished skin was extremely rare back then, as skin problems associated with the many prevalent diseases often left scars and blemishes. The trouble with these terrible concoctions that were plastered on one's face was that it made the skin grey and with a shrivelled appearance and old. Women therefore had to apply more and more to cover up their deteriorating skin and ended up looking quite ghastly!
Later, during the Regency era even more dangerous beauty aids were used. As well as white lead, mercury was used too, which ruined the skin and caused all sorts of other problems and sometimes resulted in death. Despite the dangers, women still continued to use these lethal whiteners!
Today, modern beauty products have changed so much with products available for all skin tones and types. So if you are looking for the healthy glow look, or want to create that mysterious pale appearance, buy on-line and discover the many products on sale to help you create your ideal complexion, minus the lead and mercury!
Artur Cosicov is a free lance article writer, Blogger and Internet Marketer from RM. He mostly writes about skin care and makeup cosmetic

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A Potted History of Cosmetics

For thousands of years, people have been using cosmetics and evidence has been found of this from as long ago as 4,000 BC during the Ancient Egyptian period. Rich and poor alike all wore eye makeup, the most common being Kohl which was used as an eye liner, this was thought to improve the eyesight and ward off evil spirits. The ancient Romans and Greeks also used cosmetics and during the ancient Roman period, these were produced and applied by female slaves called Cosmetae. Kohl was composed of antimony (a toxic grey metalloid), ashes or soot and sometimes saffron which improved the scent. It was applied using a rounded stick which was first dipped in oil or water, then dipped in the kohl. Eyebrows were also painted and darkened using antimony or soot.
The Egyptians, with their strikingly painted faces, believed that their appearance and sweet scented bodies brought them closer to their gods, and they took enormous pride in their cleanliness and makeup. The Greeks, however, were much vainer and looking and smelling good for each other was more important than how they presented themselves to their gods. Later the Romans took cosmetics to another level and with their brazen lifestyles, used makeup and oils for no other purpose than that of enhancing their sexual pleasures.
Despite their self indulgence, the Romans did discover medicinal treatments and found that plagues could be combated by burning aromatic gums and resins. The word perfume actually derived from Roman times: "Per" is Latin for 'through' and "fumum" means 'smoke' and together 'per fumum' translates as the practice of transforming a substance into something airborne through nebulisation.
As years have gone by, makeup and cosmetics have become more and more fashionable, and as ballet, theatre and later television became popular, the whole world was influenced by the media and the representations of beauty ideals. Images of Japanese geisha, excessively made up 1920s flappers, 'Twiggy's' iconic 1960s look, David Bowie's 1970s 'Ziggy Stardust' image, Lady Gaga's elaborate use of makeup, leads us to ask ourselves why do we wear makeup. Is it to enhance natural beauty, for religious reasons, to attract the opposite sex, or to create a work of art on the body?
Whatever our reasons, the world just would not be the same without the use of our lotions, potions, paints, perfumes and cosmetics. With the creation of the Internet, we do not have to visit department stores for our beauty products as they are now widely available on-line. We have a lot to thank the Egyptians for, and the creation of cosmetics is one of them, which not only changed the appearance of the human body, but made it much sweeter smelling too!
Artur Cosicov is a free lance article writer, Blogger and Internet Marketer from RM. He mostly writes about skin care and makeup cosmetic

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Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Impetigo Is Caused By A Bacterial Infection


Impetigo is caused by a bacterial species Staphylococcus aureus. Because the disorder is a bacterial infection, it is highly infectious.
Kids as well as aged persons are the patients who generally become infected. A much more severe variety of impetigo can cause multiple sores that actually impact a far deeper layer of skin and can often cause discolored skin and also scarring.
The initial impetigo symptoms are vesicles closely grouped together, which are transparent bumps that are filled with fluid and suddenly become visible on the patient's skin. Quickly after their appearance, the vesicles dry out and scab over with a yellow shell that has a tendency to break open and pass some fluid.
The most common locations influenced include nose and mouth. Having said that, impetigo can spread someplace else in the body as well, generally to the legs and/or arms.
You can easily discover billions of bacteria on the skin. Nonetheless, they're normally entirely harmless because our skin protects us by not letting them to enter into the body. However, any wounds or breaks on the skin allows bacteria enter into the body. This can cause many kinds of infections.
Impetigo normally develops where skin has been recently harmed in some other way like sunburn, insect bite, diaper rash, herpes or chicken pox. Some other typical causes of breaks on the skin are bites, both animal and human, trauma or injury.
Also, many other skin disorders or even an upper respiratory infection like a virus, flu or cold, might compromise the top layer of the skin and give impetigo symptoms a home.
As discussed above, impetigo is a contagious infection. It can quickly spread from one part of the body to another. That is why it is vital not to scratch the affected location because this can advance the transmission of the bacteria. Impetigo is infectious also to other people. That is why you should avoid direct contacts with an individual who has influenced with impetigo.
Now, the question of impetigo treatment is not a very tricky one. For openers, just cleaning the hands often throughout the day with antibacterial cleansing soap as well as keeping nails cut short can prove to be an efficient weapon in the fight to limit further infection.
There are also prescriptions that are often prescribed by the physician. In mild cases, antibiotic cream might just be enough. In more severe situations, oral antibiotics might be needed.
So, keep in mind, wash, wash, wash and stay clear of anyone with impetigo to prevent getting it or spreading it to the kids.
Do you need some more info about the symptoms, treatments, and causes of impetigo? You can find it by visiting at today. For example, you are able to learn about a natural impetigo treatment system that can help you to get rid of the condition within three days or less.

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Why 80% Of The Population Will Get Back Pain At Some Stage


Poor Posture
Poor posture is one of the main causes of back pain. Poor posture includes rounded shoulders, a head that is either tilted too far forwards or too far backwards, or simply sitting slouched and rounded all the time.
This type of back pain mainly affects people who drive or sit a lot. Standing for long periods or even sleeping for long periods of time can also cause back pain. A prior back injury could also lead to poor posture and further pain in your back.
Firstly you need to switch to chairs that support your back. Make sure that your mattress is supportive enough to keep your spine straight when you lay on your side. When lifting heavy things, use your leg muscles. Make sure to change positions every 45 minutes. Get active and make sure to keep your weight at a healthy level.
Muscle Strain
If you have pain in the lower back and bum, which increases with movement, then muscle strain could be to blame. If you have muscle spasms, this could also be an indicator.
Muscle strain happens when the muscle fibres are either over stretched or torn. This normally happens with a sudden movement like twisting the back inappropriately or picking up something heavy.
Do some regular back exercises to strengthen the back and help to protect it against muscle strain. If your muscles are strong and flexible, they will be able to do more and take on more strain.
If you have strained your muscles, you could try applying a cold compress to the affected area or have rehabilitation treatment with a physiotherapist.
Sciatica is recognized by pain in the lower back, which radiates down the back of your leg. It could be accompanied by localized numbness and weakness.
This is normally caused by compression or irritation of the sciatica nerve. Causes of this include slipped discs, spinal stenosis, injury, trauma and degenerative conditions. People who sit for long periods of time or who lead an inactive life style are at greater risk.
Prevent sciatica by exercising regularly and strengthening the core and back muscles. Adopt a good posture when sitting and maintain a healthy weight.
Treatment of sciatica is varied, and surgery can be taken in extreme cases.
This is felt with aching, stiffness or difficulty moving the joint. It can develop in one or more joints.
Unfortunately this is a natural course of events as one gets older and it is exacerbated by genetic predisposition and previous joint injuries.
Osteoarthritis is not preventable, but it can be reduced by keeping fit and staying mobile for as long as possible, as well as maintaining a healthy weight.
A qualified doctor can decide on what treatment will suit you best.
Bottom line is that we all need to take proper care and preventative steps to ensure that we are not plagued with back pain in our later years.
Click here for more useful tips and health related information.

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Making the Case for Breastfeeding


Whenever I'm in the drugstore buying wipes, I glance over at the various bottles and tubs of formula available on the shelf. It's a study of our culture. Now, don't get me wrong, I'm not one of those people who thinks formula should be banned in all forms. However, I am one of those people who thinks we're living in a backwards culture. That thought briefly crossed my mind when I went to grab some wipes off the shelf, found next to the formula. I took pause to look at the ingredients of the particular package of wipes I'd been buying, and decided it was time to try something new (who needs parabens next to their babies bum, anyway?). I found the package of "Pampers" wipes to have more suitable and gentle ingredients, and off I went.
After I'd paid at the register, the cashier handed me a coupon, along with my receipt. "Oh," she said, "you get $5 off Enfamil formula!" I didn't really want to get into anything, so I just said, "cool."
As I turned to leave, she stopped me and said, "let me check the expiration date on that so you'll be sure to use it in time."
At this point, I couldn't keep up the charade any longer and said, "oh, that's okay. I don't use formula."
She looked at me like I had two heads (and I particularly like this cashier - she's been there for a while).
To avoid any more awkwardness, I suggested I leave the coupon there on the counter for someone who might need it. She agreed, and off I went.
I think I handled the situation well, but I couldn't help wishing I'd said, "oh, that's okay. I don't use formula - that's what my boobs are for!"
This whole episode was like a very interesting study of our culture. I wasn't buying anything even remotely related to formula (both things are for babies, granted), and I was given a promotion for formula. At no time have I ever indicated interest in formula, yet I have a can in my pantry that was sent to me because somehow they found out I had a baby.
Breastfeeding rates in our culture are incredibly dismal. It's no wonder - it's like we're all swimming against the current.
Some people in our culture even go as far as to believe that breastfeeding is "gross."
To that, I just have to laugh.
Breastfeeding is a beautiful thing. And yes, it is why I have "boobs."
Formula cannot even begin to compare to breast milk. Breast milk changes and perfectly adapts itself to the baby's needs. It changes its composition according the age of the child. It changes its amount according to the baby's needs - a true and perfect case of supply and demand.
It has amazing powers of protection, and scientists are still exploring its perfect composition.
It's a huge money-saver. It's always the perfect temperature and flavor and is perfectly sterile.
"But what," people say, "about mothers who don't make enough milk/have to go back to work/don't want to give up their freedom?"
All of those things can be corrected by making changes in our society. It is extremely rare that a mother not have the ability to produce enough milk. It is, unfortunately, very common for doctors, family members, and friends to offer formula for a variety of reasons. It's very common for a mother to have never seen another mother breastfeed.
These days, many mothers do have to go back to work, making it extremely difficult to breastfeed. Unfortunately (and despite laws to the contrary), workplaces do not have the proper supports in place. That will come, in time, as breastfeeding becomes "normal" in our society again, and as people push for change. It IS possible to breastfeed and work full time.
As for giving up freedom - that's what happens when you have a child. It's not that you're not free, it's just that things change and sacrifices are made. Breastfeeding has given me freedom - freedom to feel extremely close to my child and have a relationship with my child that no one else can have. A propped bottle and powdered cow's milk (meant for another species) is such a sad, common picture.
This isn't about making moms feel bad for their choices, but it is about moms being given the right information to help them choose. We're so misinformed and blinded by formula marketing that what people think is their freedom of choice is very far from it. Breast milk is best, and not just because moms who try to guilt you into it think so - it's one of the most beautiful gifts mothers are given in this world - the ability to feed their baby perfect, immune boosting, smarts-building, food, absolutely freely and perfectly.
Oh yeah, breastfeeding also helps moms lose the baby weight for doing nothing more than sticking baby to breast - how much would we normally pay for something to suck our calories away? So overlooked, and yet, oh-so, wonderful.
I have amazing hopes that I will see a turnaround in our culture, very soon. It's so normal, natural, and right that it's simply got to happen.

Breastfeeding is an incredible gift for mother and baby. Discover how to make it workable in your busy life by visiting Whether you'll need to use a breast pump or you're desperate for solutions, there is a way for you to nurse your precious bundle.

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