Thursday, January 12, 2012

Full Circulation Capability in Home Air Quality Systems


There is no denying air purification systems in some form are becoming an increasingly popular appliance in households. Once the province of people with medical conditions related to breathing such as asthma, Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD), or Emphysema, purifiers have become increasingly popular among the otherwise healthy.
The reasons for the increased preference for some sort of air purification system or Air Quality System (AQS) probably comes down to the basic proposition is that they have largely a good reputation for effectiveness. This reputation was mostly created by word of mouth. For instance on the internet, the amount of positive reviews far outpace the number of negative reviews for almost any conceivable make and model.
The number of "room" air purifiers purchased annually numbers upwards of a million-plus. Like a lot of popular home appliances, the choices have increased, the purchase costs have decreased and the level of technological wizardry continues to amaze.
People want them to work better, quieter, look better, and last longer. One part of the equation of "working better" depends on the amount of space for which the air purifier can effectively provide cleaner air. In the area of "reach" or area covered, all air purification systems are not necessarily equal. A buyer will want to look for "full room circulation capability". A high-quality air purifier should have the ability to reach room-wide to grab the stale air (often loaded with pollens, allergens, mold spores, co2 and create clean air that is as fresh as if the windows are open on a cool spring day.)
One of the factors driving the demand for greater reach is the increasing size of rooms in modern home and apartment design. Air dissipates through open floor plans. Newer homes are bigger with higher ceilings. The air is shared yet still enclosed within the confines of the home.
The baseline requirements for home air purifiers these days appears to be the full-circulation capability. Air Quality Systems that sit like a hulk of metal blowing loudly are being phased out. People demand the flexibility to place the AQS anywhere in the room but still get their desired results throughout.
One interior designer locally in my home base of metro-Detroit noted that the air purifier manufacturers are doing an admirable job of designing a sleeker, better looking machine. Yet the designer bluntly stated that the best air purifiers can be felt, not seen. Full room circulation technology allows a user to strategically place the air purifier anywhere (including out of sight) and not worry about performance.
Cheryl Boswell is a writer and researcher on products for the home such as the Vornado AQS 500. You can save time and money by getting FREE in depth news features and reviews on this air purifier and the home purifier market generally including discounts and best prices at Cheryl's Blog at

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