Monday, January 16, 2012

Understanding Different Types of Urinary Incontinence


As people age, the body's natural functions deteriorate accordingly. According to certified urologists, it's normal for people over sixty years old to urinate more frequently especially if they have high caffeine intake. Studies show that severe incontinence affects three to eleven percent of young females in the US, with the figures significantly higher for women aged seventy to eighty. Prevalence of incontinence for males on the other hand is lower. To better understand incontinence, here are some facts about its different types and some treatment options.
Stress Incontinence
Medical experts say that this condition is more common in women. Urine leaks when an individual exercises, laughs, or coughs, or when there is an increase in abdominal pressure. Stress incontinence can develop due to pregnancy and childbirth, obesity, prostate surgery, or other conditions and medications that weaken the pelvic floor muscles. Therapy and treatment for this condition depends on an individual's age, health condition, and other existing medical factors.
Urge Incontinence
Also known as overactive bladder (OAB), this occurs when there are urinary muscle spasms that induce an urgency to go to the bathroom often. It can stem from damage to the bladder's nerves or to the nervous system. Conditions like diabetes, stroke, multiple sclerosis, and Parkinson's disease can lead to urge incontinence. Aging people under certain medications can also develop this type of incontinence.
Overflow Incontinence
This occurs when the bladder is not emptied appropriately, thus inducing a leakage once the bladder is already full. Overflow incontinence is more common in men with weak bladder muscles or prostate enlargement, which can cause blockage on the urethra. Medical conditions like tumors can also obstruct urine flow and case overflow incontinence. While those with extreme cases require surgery and therapy, people with milder cases can use TENA adult diapers for convenience during travel or work.
Functional Incontinence
Physical health issues like arthritis can prevent a person from getting to the bathroom in time. In functional incontinence, an individual cannot manage to urinate properly, thus needing to wear TENA adult briefs during the day or night. Those with cognitive and genetic weaknesses and issues also experience difficulties in going to the bathroom on their own. Wearing comfortable adult diapers can help them urinate with considerably lesser hassle.
Treatment Options
Treatment for different types of incontinence depends on age, severity of the condition, and other physical, mental, and psychological factors. Pelvic floor exercises and bladder trainings like scheduled voiding works for minor cases, while those with extreme incontinence cases may require injections and surgeries. Adults who want to engage in daunting physical activities can wear swimming diapers for comfort and convenience. Consult your urologist and physician to know more about incontinence.
For more details, search " TENA adult diapers, TENA adult briefs in Google for related information.

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