Sunday, January 1, 2012

How Does The Colon Work? (It's A Dirty Job But Someone's Gotta Do It)


So how does the colon work?
The colon not only eliminates what is left of digestive foods, but it also works to eliminate toxins that are in the intestines and that have been removed by other body systems. Body systems including the blood and lymph systems work to continually remove toxins from the body and place them within the intestines for final removal from the body.
It is the colon's job to absorb electrolytes and minerals from the foods that have been digested and water that was used in the digestive process and push these back into the body while forming and eliminating feces.
The colon contains several different types of bacteria and micro flora that assist in digestion and help to maintain the PH balance while keeping harmful bacteria growth to a minimum. This prevents an overgrowth of harmful bacteria while allowing enough good bacteria to flourish in the colon and aid digestion.
Bacteria within the colon assists in the synthesis of folic acid and helps to pull vitamins such as vitamin K and the B complex vitamins from the foods that are being digested. A fully functional colon takes 12 to 24 hours from the time food is ingested until it is expelled as feces. During this time the colon is removing vile minerals and water from this material and forming it into stool.
A person with a healthy colon usually has 2 to 3 bowel movements daily that have varied shades of light brown color and should easily break apart. Lack of fluids will cause fewer bowel movements and much harder stool to form.
A healthy person will eliminate food and waste 16 to 24 hours after eating. The average American takes 92 hours.
Protruding belly, excess waste, parasites in your stool, bad breath, constipation, recurring headaches are some of the signs of an infected colon and that you need to cleanse it.
The colon requires enough fiber and water to be ingested to form proper bowel movements. Diets that are high in processed foods and lacking in fiber make it difficult for the colon to complete its job. Several years of ingesting high fat, highly processed, low fiber foods can wreak havoc on a colon. This can cause constipation and other conditions.
Stress and insufficient dietary intake of the proper nutrients, fiber and water can irritate the colon and cause it to be ineffective or diseased. Irritable bowel syndrome, diarrhea, constipation and colitis are all problems that can occur within the colon. All of these conditions can make everyday life difficult and may require dietary changes to control.
The overuse of oral laxatives, suppositories and enemas can cause the colon to lose the ability to function appropriately without them. Instead of using these medications and treatments for regularity it is best to eat a high fiber diet and drink plenty of fluids. Moving around and getting exercise on a daily basis is also helpful.
This doesn't mean that you have to go to the gym for several hours each day. You can take the stairs instead of the elevator and walking from the other end of the parking lot instead of getting the closest space. Walking is an excellent form of exercise and can be quite helpful in stimulating the bowels.
A lack of exercise can lead to constipation which causes toxic materials that should be pushed out of the body to sit in the colon. The walls of the colon that absorb nutrients and fluids are left to attempt to draw these needed substances from materials that have been sitting and rotting over time.
When the colon does not empty itself regularly and thoroughly, then the toxins that should have been expelled from the body are instead being carried around. Consequently this can cause stagnation in the colon and it can cause many other health issues. People who do not have regular bowel movements are at a greater risk for colon cancer and other serious health issues due to the buildup of toxins within their bodies.
Cleansing the colon after years of buildup from eating a low fiber diet of highly processed foods has been shown to increase physical well-being. Many people who have done a colon cleanse report that there were strange-looking plaques present in their bowel movements during the cleansing process.
There can be 5 to 10 pounds of intestinal plaque that build up within the colon of an average adult. When john Wayne died it was reported that his colon carried 45 pounds of matter that had not been expelled.
Don't abuse your colon. Eat a vegetable right now. Drink more water right now!
Nate Curtis has written dozens of health articles and is the author of the Shocking Free ebook "It's Your Body, You Can Die If You Want To!"

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