Sunday, January 8, 2012

Tips for Preparing Yourself For Your First Brazilian Wax


The Brazilian Wax makes you look good and feel groomed. For the first timers, it consists of removing all the pubic hair and leaving a landing strip! More and more women are going for this look. Once you start having a Brazilian you tend to have it done on a regular basis. Four to five weeks is normal between waxing. Some clients like a design.
Some progress to the Hollywood, which is 'all off'. It is a great treatment if you wear Thongs or G-strings. Hi-leg swimwear also looks fantastic. Most of all, it makes you feel a million dollars. So give it a go.
Even if you are sensitive it can still be done. An understanding therapist for this treatment is vital.
1. Make sure you are not nearing a period. This makes you more sensitive.
2. A pain relief pill can be taken 20 minutes before, with a glass of water.
3. Make sure you shower and do not moisturize the area.
4. Relax and carry out any instructions your therapist may give you.
5. You decide how wide you want your landing strip.
6. Ask them how they carry out the procedure.
7. Remember to BREATHE. This is obvious, but being nervous makes you hold your breath.
8. Do not be afraid to ask questions.
9. After your waxing wear loose clothing.
10. Keep the area cool, no hot showers. Give the area time to adapt.
Brazilian Waxing Procedure:
You can wear disposable panties that the therapist will supply. The area is cleansed to remove any oil on your skin. Your pubic hair is trimmed. A pre wax oil is applied around the area, which will make the removal less painful. Hot or Warm wax is applied in small areas with a spatula and allowed to set around the hairs. Between you and the therapist, you will pull the area taught, it will then be rolled off removing the hair with it.
This will continue until you are left with 'your' landing strip. Any ingrowing hairs are removed with tweezers. The whole area is cleansed once again to remove all the oil. A finishing cream or lotion is applied to seal down and calm the area.
A Final Note: Brazilian Waxing is not completely painless, but the results are well worth a few minutes feeling a bit uncomfortable. This one of the most popular treatments carried out today.
Last tip: Laugh, keep a sense of humour. Think of the fun times ahead.
Terese B is at the 'Love The Skin You're In'.
A bespoke Beauty Salon in Surrey.
Phone: 07775912756

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